Sunday, 7 November 2010

Critical investigation points

The general impact of celebrities among teenagers.

It can be positive as celebrities can act like role models and teenagers may look up to them.
negative- look like them
act like them
and generally be them
Marxist Theory of Alienation: If everyone is wearing an item of clothing designed by a celebrity then peer pressure may occur if you don't have it.
segregated from your friends
what if your mates like other celebrities to you? It may cause friction?

With celebrities creating ridiculous standards of beauty, more younger adults are feeling less confident, angrier and more dissatisfied with their looks (National Institute on Media and the Family). Based on a poll, 40% of nine and ten year-old's had tried losing weight and at age thirteen (Body Image and Gender Identity, 2002), 53% of girls were unhappy with their image (National Institute on Media and the Family). This could create moral panics among their parents because they have to cope with their child being insecure and dissatisfied with themselves.

Also with a very pessimistic view can be under taken from celebrities as they take stupid amounts of drugs and they have glamorized taking drugs within the different platforms i.e in films, and within magazines and generally in the media and are setting an example for supporters everywhere that it is acceptable administer drugs which is WRONG!

ALTHOUGH it is not the entirely the celebrities fault that every move they make and every step they make is followed but to a certain extent they should know what is acceptable to do in public and what is plain IRRESPONSIBLE!

Attention seeking, dieting, make up, fashion addicted celebrities are changing the way many young fans think and act. Celebrities need to change the their irresponsible habits now and realize that they need to be more concerned with themselves and with their portrayal in the media, because they don't care how people react to their live's and their lifestyles only that they are noticed!

Marxist Theory: Higher people being in control of them people lower down in society. In this situation the producers, directors, or editors creating pessimistic or optimistic views of celebrities. Then the celebrities themselves either having a positive or negative view on the public. but the higher people are still in control because they are creating the images in the first place, because they want to sell their products and therefore gain money!

1 comment:

  1. Great research here Henna. Clearly you have begun to get to grips with some of the social issues.

    A warning: don't get distracted too much by the social issues at the expense of the media texts which prompt the discussion. You MUST at all times relate your research back to MEDIA not SOCIOLOGY.

    Therefore, make it very apparent that your secondary research is exploring the issues rasied by the primary texts. I am unclear from this what those primary texts are so if you can post them. AT the very least show some analysis of them.
