Sunday, 7 November 2010

The film Pyscho

The film was very different in its own wierd way.
Theres a man who owns a motel and lives with his Mother and has done for a long time, strange things happen within the Motel. i.e, the incident with the women in the bathroom. But then we learn that the incident occured because the son liked the women and the mother would have reacted badly to the situation.

We later learn that the Mother and son had been living together since the son was very young and one day the Mother got a boyfriend, therefore the Son was no longer getting that much attention. So instead of handling the situation normally the Son goes and murders them both. He keeps his Mothers body in a room. WEIRD!

Disabled people were represented to be invalids and connoted to be incapable of having a normal lifestyle. This representation could lead to them being segregated and separated from the rest of society. They are shown in a pessimistic way just because they are different, and the audience start making their own judgements from when they hear how the son talk about his Mother.

The film works because they don't show the Mum until the end scene therefore the audience are kept wondering why she isn't seen and they want to see her.

Moreover the whole idea of the son turning into his Mother is strange and pychotic in itself. He took her life and now hes becoming her......... weird!

1 comment:

  1. WEIRD seems to be your main response to the text.

    I am interested in your slant on disability - your focus on 'invalids' comes from Norman's comments about his mother - and you comment on us forming a judgement about him. You could perhaps look deeper into the ideas inherent in a representation of mental illness - how do we respond to the mentally ill? How are the mentally ill shown in movies and across the media. DO a bit of research into this.
