Wednesday, 23 March 2011

S.M.A.R.T targets

Critical Investigation: Do more research into other specific magazine industries, also research more into the institution of Bauer. Create a bibliography!

Linked Production: Get all of the studio shots taken today, in order for me too start editing them, also have all the exterior shots taken before next weekend.

Exam Preparation: Write up all my notes and class work again neatly, and read over them, also focus on one specific representation for the exam.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Essay questions answered

Compare and contrast the two texts with reference to the representation of conflict (8marks)
Both of the media texts have similar topics, such as the military and conflict. Conflict within the website is represented to be very brutal and bloody, therefore the images are 'raw', this symbolises that the images are not specifically taken for entertainment purposes. In
The shots are user generated content (UGC), this connotes
Moreover the institution CNN is represented by the website. This could lead to a wider audience demographic hence more money for the makers of the website. The wesite represents conflict to be very violent therefore this is reflecting the army lifestyle, this is kind of contrasted to the representation within the movie trailer, where the footage is seen to look 'cool', although still violent. Although the movie release date is this year, the issues tackled are contemporary and past issues, for example the it reflects the issues taking place in Libya.
Moreover the second media text represents the military as a whole to be fearless and this is emphasised by the soldiers fighting against aliens in order to save their country. All of the iconography used denotes the military and therefore connotes blood, violence, conflict and danger. The iconography consists of: weapons, vehicles, explosions and fighting these are all negative factors and are interrelated to the topic of conflict and destruction.
Within the second media text, a mix of diegetic and non diegetic music has been used this is used to create different effects. For example, when the non diegetic music get louder and faster, the audience know that the 'conflict' is going to become more brutal. This is contrasted with the videos in the first medai text, where the majority of the music is diegetic sounds which creates an atmosphere for the audience and one could say it emphasis the conflict and actions taking place.

Explore the view that the entertainment media feeds upon moral panic in the west as a result of terrorism post 9/11
You may refer to other media products to support your answer (12marks)
media texts entertainment are based on moral panics?
Moral panics are caused by status threatening issues and therefore, the 9/11 trauma caused a lot of moral panics within the American society. Although it is unclear of who was responsible for the 9/11 bombings Americas was affectly greatly because it it is the first attack for a very long time, and they were not expecting it. The entertainment media feeds upon moral panics by creating texts based on 'terrorism' , for example the Indian film based in The united States of America 'My Name is Khan', the film is about a muslim man living in America who meets a Hindu woman and her song son from a previous marriage. They both live together and start a relationship. However the family start experienceing post 9/11 prejudice in their community and even the son starts too turn against him. Whilst at school there is an argument among a group of people at school and the son is involved, he gets very badly hurt, the reason behind the conflict is because he is half muslim.
This film feeds upon 9/11 bombings, and the moral panics based around the bombings. However it is quite ironic how they have created a film based on the bombings however, there is no proof that it was a muslim/islamic attack on the americans, hence the film is presenting 'false consciouness'. But this is what the audience are interested in: conflict, these film raised A LOT of money and broke records for their representations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages for the military as an institution using the internet as a marketing tool?
You should refer to other media products to support your answer (12marks)

There are a variety of advantages and disadvantages for the military using the internet as a marketing tool. For example and advantage would be that the internet is free to anyone who has an internet connection (broadband or dial up), also the internet is a tool which is fast and easy to access. Websites can now be viewed on mobile phones and therefore, the niche audiences can keep updated when they want to, they are in control. One could say that the audience does not have control and that the makers and directors of the website determine what the audience view, not the audience choosing what to view. (Marxism and Hegemony) They want to make money and in order to do so they have too publish articles that the target audience demographic want to read, therefore they are choosing what the audience is exposed too, this could insinuate that the audience have no control. Anyone can use and access the webpage and hence is it an efficient way of marketing. Also the E-media is a viral platform which can lead too more and more people looking at the site and this may lead to more people joining the military. It is also easy for people who have any queries about the information on the website or job information to contact the military directly via email, and get a response relatively quickly (customer service).
Another disadvantage to the military using the internet as a marking platform is that the business person is isolated, and therefore there is no human contact between the customer/viewer and the maker, one could say that this could lead to lying and deception.
The internet exposes people to their websites globally therefore the majority of people.

A disadvantage of using the internet as a marketing tool is the shear competition between website owners because they all want their pages to get seen and moreover, be successful.
Also because the E-media platform is very popular and therefore in demand, website makers need to be very accurate in their presentation and their information which gets shared. Plus the site needs to be easy to locate, because if the site is hard to find the viewer may go through loads of sites and not even find yours.

Three essay questions

1. How do the two media products represent men in the military industry? 8marks

2. How and why do the websites such as military news network appeal to their niche audiences
(You may also refer to other media products to support your answer) 12marks

3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of the military as an institution using the internet as a marketing tool?
(You should also refer to other media products to support your answer) 12marks

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Itv mini case study

From January 2006, the company used the name ITV Productions when making programmes for the ITV family of channels. From March 2009 the company has been fully re branded as ITV Studios Limited, which has also been extended to some productions for other UK broadcasters (such as Channel 4's Countdown) and to ITV's US arm

It is a channel which is broadcasted on terrestrial TV and therefore it is free to watch,, as long as you own a TV.

ITV Studios is a major commercial TV producer in the United Kingdom, creating over 3,500 hours of original programming each year across all genres except news. Programmes including Coronation Street; Emmerdale, Heartbeat, Marple and Agatha Christie's Poirot, Brainiac: Science Abuse, University Challenge, I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!, Parkinson, Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway, Tonight, The Jeremy Kyle Show, Allsorts and This Morning.

The audience demographic for ITV are 16-34 year olds

Using data ((e.g. from BARB)) compare audience figures for ITV shows in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s

Since the 70s ITV's viewing figures have rised drastically this may be a result to the public becoming more financially stable also the TV platform has become more efficient.
In the 1970s viewing figures were around 20%, they have risen in the 2000s to 29%, hence more people are watching the channel and therefore the contents published by ITV is successful.
The whole idea of marxism and hegemony is relevant because, the publishers of ITV, want to make money and to do this the viewing figures need to be high and this can be done through creating programmes that are targeted at the demographic.

To what extent can ITV blame new media for its troubles?

TV v BBC: The World Cup's most one-sided contest?

Much like the England team, ITV could be forgiven for wishing they'd never bothered making the trip to South Africa, such has been the trouble it's brought them since boarding the plane.

The final insult, added to an injury-plagued month, appears to have been the most one-sided of final matches. Because while The Netherlands and Spain fought over a solitary goal during 120 minutes of football, the BBC was trouncing ITV 5:1 in the ratings war.

Both channels screened the final; the BBC securing an audience of 17.9 million at its peak while ITV was left with a high point of just 3.8 million.

ITV increased its audience by 8.6% in 2010 compared to 2006, while the BBC added just 5.3%.

What's the future for quality scripted drama on ITV?

I personally think that scripted drama pieces have no future due to the demanding nature of 'change', also in comparison to BBC dramas ITV dramas are quite subtle and not as staright forward and simplistic
'Whatever ITV does, it needs to provide strong, vibrant competition for BBC drama' : the guardian

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

The iPhone :
The iPhone has been a game-changing device in mobile telephony - why?

Can you account for its success?

How have other new media institutions reacted to Apple's dominance in the sectort?

How might iPhone and Ipod Touch applications transform our social and working habits?

Compare the iPhone to other smart phones like the Blackberry, Android, Pre, etc.
Speed-wise, all the above-mentioned Android phones run on speedy 1GHz processors, except the Milestone XT720, which runs on a 550MHz chip. Apple on the other hand, took its speedy A4 chip found on the iPad and put it in the iPhone 4 (no surprise here). With this, the iPhone 4 comes in line with the top-notch Android phone, but given the OS and app differences, a proper speed comparison would be quite subjective.
Moreover the iPhone four has the smallest display in comparison to the Android phones but the Retina Display technology in the iPhone 4 rivals even the huge 4.3-inch screen on the Evo 4G, packing in more pixels per inch. The camera on the iPhone 4 is now on the par with the Samsung Galaxy S, and still below the Incredible, Evo 4G or Milestone in terms of megapixels. All five phones can record 720p HD video though - yet only the iPhone will have the Apple-designed iMovies app, and nothing out today is remotely comparable to this in terms of mobile video editing.