Monday, 21 March 2011

Three essay questions

1. How do the two media products represent men in the military industry? 8marks

2. How and why do the websites such as military news network appeal to their niche audiences
(You may also refer to other media products to support your answer) 12marks

3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of the military as an institution using the internet as a marketing tool?
(You should also refer to other media products to support your answer) 12marks

1 comment:

  1. Question 1: some use of media terminology - representation seems to be dealt with through media language analysis with some reflection on audience. Little is made of genre, narratives, ideology or institution (CNN excepted) and though you do comment on SHEP with reference to contemporary events this is not as coherent as it might be - you don't really make an argument.

    ebi - analysis needs to use media terminology accurately and efficiently, must demonstrate understanding of the possible links between texts not simply differences, show awareness of how narratives of war are used in both and why these might appeal to audience.
