Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Crash analysis and notes

Crash (2004)
The two black men are discussing the stereotypical views of black people within the American society. They comment on not getting asked if they wanted coffee and they didn't want any. The audience may start to emphasis with the two characters.
"she gets cold as soon as she sees us do we look threatening, no, if anyone should be scared it should be us" this connotes that the situation is flipped all because the area that they are in is dominated by white people and they are the only two black people around this connotes that black people may be afraid of being in that particular place. America is segregated, this mirrors slavery times because black people were not allowed in certain parts of America (Hattie Mc Daniels not being allowed to go to the film premier in which she won an Oscar, and therefore segregation is a contemporary issue (Gone with the wind).

"Cause we got guns" connotes that they are not educated; and/or haven't had a proper upbringing, or this is there idiolect.
However they conform to the stereotypes which they are trying to justify: i.e. threatening a white couple with a gun in order to steal their car...... and the only reason they do this is because the white women apparently holds her husband’s hand when she sees the two black men, connoting that she may be scared of them......... and her thoughts are confirmed by the two black men's actions. Although they have stolen a car one of the males still has religious beliefs: he has a statue of St Paul: this is quite ironic and satirical because they have committed a sin however he is still acting like he is of a higher class...... being religious when he is a criminal.

The women who has been threatened insists that her husband changes the locks again after the mixed race man leaves because she beliefs that he will give the keys to his "gangbang friends", this is a stereotypical view of mixed race people in America. "Prison tattoos" connoting that coloured people are criminals (justified by the car stealing)

The white police man is on the phone to a receptionist at a doctor surgery regarding issues related to his Dad, the minute he hears the women's name "Shaniqua Johnson" he immediately relates her names to her attitude and she hangs up.

The two policemen are driving casually when they see a SUV which is the same vehicle which was stolen by the black men. One of the male officers automatically assumes that because there us a black man driving the car that they are guilty, this connotes that he is stereotyping all the black community to be criminals. Although the other male officer confirms that the registration is not the same he still insists in pulls them over. 'black people weren't allowed to own nice cars, they weren't allowed to have money....... they were only allowed the jobs that white people didn't want'. If black people had money or nice cars they would get accused of being thieves which is a stereotypical view....... hence discriminating black people.

The white police man treats the black men in a very primitive manner therefore in an aggressive and violent tone. He also plays games with the black man e.g. he knows that he hasn't been drinking and tell him to do challenge which are used to convict drink driver. This signifies that the white police officer think that he is a better male and of a higher class. This then leads the wife to get out of the vehicle and start ranting and raving, she has been drinking and this influences her actions and responses. This gives the 'racist' white police officer to tell them to put the hands on their heads and then searching them.
The officer explicitly touches the women, in a primitive and unneeded manor..... the husband doesn't make any comment apart from telling her to shut up, this connotes that he feels interior to the police men...... he doesn't feel that he has the power to stick up for his wife....... his wife gives in and stops arguing because she is shocked by the whole situation.

The husband apologises to the officers and they are realised with a warning..... This enhances and emphasises the white officers thought about being dominant and in power, because the husband has given in to the pressure.

Rap music is played; this particular genre is related back to black people, and rap music was created to oppress black people.

Ludacris and his friend aren't paying attention to the road and therefore this leads to the running over of an innocent Chinese male. "china man" the language used by Ludacris shows that he is ignorant to other cultures; moreover, back when slavery was around, black people weren't allowed an education and this is a stereotypical view of black people, it is emphasised and reinforced by Ludacris' idiolect.

"Not talking black enough"
Although the Ken- the black person is of a higher job status than the white man he still feels the need to justify himself, "is there a problem Ken" the white man is speaking down to Ken, and is questioning his decisions, undermining him and his actions. Ken again gives into the white male and does what he asks.
The names used are very stereotypical e.g. "Jamal" is a typical 'black name' and "Eddie" is a white name- Tommie is the smart one and Jamal is the not so smart one and confirm the stereotypical view of black people because Jamal is black and he is not smart because he is not educated?

The whole concept of having clear windows on buses is quite unusual....... Ludacris stated that it is because they want to reduce coloured people. 'Big brothers watching you' (1940's). Contemporary issues?
Black people are segregated from the rest of society; they are seen to be the inferior and therefore less dominant race.

The idea of the 'racist' police officer helping the black women who he had previously malestered is quite unusual because he was acting in a primitive manor towards her before but now he’s saving her life...... (Jekyll and Hyde). Also Ludacris freeing the illegal immigrants who were captured for trafficking is amazing because he is being a 'good guy', maybe he’s learnt? This could be seen as a positive representation of black people however because he had stolen the car which the people were found in it could be seen as a pessimistic view.

We also see Daniel (the 24hour locksmith) fix the back door lock of Farhad's convenience store. Daniel warns that the door itself needs replacing, which Farhad, an older Persian man, seems to misunderstand and eventually leads to a screaming match where Farhad accuses Daniel of being a cheater. he was referred to as a cheater because he wasn't light skinned...... which is quite ironic because Farhad is getting stereotyped and categorized into being an 'Arab' when he is Persian...... Daniel is being stereotyped because he is coloured.

In addition the white officer who has his own vehicle is helping out the Ludacris' friend, the black male sees the statue of God and puts his hand in his pocket, the police officer assumes that he is going to get out a weapon and in response shoots him...... quite ironic as he was helping him, but when the black male opens his hand he reveals that he took out a statue which mirrored the one the officer had...... The black male was stereotyped for having a weapon when he didn't..... Because he has a record for owning a gun.

The films main white characters are depicted to be in comfortable financial, political and economical positions while the black characters are portrayed to be financially secure however undoubtably socially deprived.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Bamboozled notes Homework 13th December 2010

Bamboozled analysis and notes:
  • Bamboozled (2000) was directed by the Spike Lee. The film is about a black middle aged man Pierre Delacrox played by Damon Wayans, he is working for the television network CNS.
  • Thomas Dunwitty is Pierre's boss who claims that he is blacker than he is which is quite satirical because he is white. Moreover he uses the derogatory term "nigga" repeatedly. This term was used during the slavery times, the black population were refereed to as "niggas".
  • From the opening scenes we are shown that Pierre is not liked by his colleagues, he says "hello" to them and they completely ignore him and therefore don't even acknowledge him.
  • Pierre wants to quit his job however, he can't because he has a contract, the only way that he can leave the company is if he gets fired, which is what he intends to do, hence the reason for creating Mantan The New millennium The Minstrel Show.
  • However he boss loves the idea of "black people making baffoons of themselves" and the show is a reasonable hit.
  • ManRay is a tap dancer who performs outside the CNS building with his Dad collecting money from the public if they like ManRay's performance. The act contains shoe shining, this was a stereotypical role of a black person during slavery times.
  • They have asked Pierre for a job however, it was unsuccessful, until Pierre's idea about the Minstrel Show.
  • ManRay's is changed to ManTan and his Father's name is changed to Sleep And Eat.
  • The show basically consists of black actors in "blacker faces": unrealistic, making fools out of themselves in order to engage the white audience.
  • They originality and identity is taken away from them, they are now the actors for this new show and that is it.
  • There is a scene within the show, it consists ManRay faints and nothing reawakens him apart from a watermelon "a black apple" this was also a stereotypical view of black people, also quite derogatory.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Analysis of images 1st December 2010

The connotation of the first Bamboozle poster we looked at are
The colours used were bright and very eye catching. The red connotes the stereotypical view of black peoples lips.

the choice of language connotes slavery and racism "negroe". Negroe was a term used to class black people and therefore it was a stereotypical name for them.

The image shown is of a baby with bright red lips and whiter then white eyes, also she is holding a huge slice of watermelon and you can tell from her facial expressions that she is excited because she has it. This connotes that she is very easy excitable. Her expressions and features are extremely sensationalised and connotes that this is also the stereotypical view of black people. Moreover the skin colour of the baby is sensationalised.

The mise en scene of the sun is used effectively because she has shiny patches over her body and face which again is a stereotypical view of black people but instead of showing this straight up the sun is used as a subtle tool.

Also the idea that she is in a cotton farm relates back to when slavery was around because cotton farms was where the black people had to work before civil rights came about.

The conventions of a film poster are followed i.e having a title, image and the credits at the bottom of the poster itself

Image number two
The black person behind is wearing the clothing of a pool man guard, this was the only well respected job for a black person, white people did not have this job until the post war.

Although the actors are both black, they are still wearing masks to sensationalise their eyes and mouth, which is a stereotypical view of black people at that time.

Poster of Blacula:
The whole idea of a black man biting a white women connotes that he may be seeking revenge, which is a racist view.
He may feel in control and dominant over the white women.

Also the black man being in control is a juxtaposition because back then he would not have been.

Also the man has a lot of facial hair which resembles that of an animal.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Precious Analysis 15th November 2010

Who is represented?
Her Mum:
Her Dad/rapist:
The welfare

How are they represented? Precious is represented to be an disadvantaged, overweight teenager. Whom lives with her mother who is abusive to her verbally, physically and mentally. Precious has been sexually abused by her Father and subsequently has two children by him. She is shown to be insecure, illiterate and other negative representations. However she is represented to be a good, caring and loving Mum to her children who will go to any extents to keep them safe. In addition Precious has dreams and admires to be a model, married to a light skinned man. The idea of her wanting to be married to a light skinned man suggests that she feels that the lighter your skin colour the more successful you are.

The Mum is represented to be a big fat bully who harasses and uses her teenage daughter. She smokes in the house which is obviously not good for her Precious as a young girl, moreover because she is pregnant and there is another child in the house.
She is on benefits and she claims to the Welfare that she is looking for a job(which she is not). Moreover when the welfare people come to her house asking questions she makes out that she loves and likes Precious' baby. She creates that impression however, the audience know that this isn't true. Moreover, Precious' Mother pretends that Precious' first child lives with her, in order for her to get more money from the welfare, the fact of the matter is that the child lives with Precious' Grandmother, whom is also dependant on the welfare.

In addition although the welfare is not a person, representations are still there. The welfare is shown to be gullible, naive and soft. Because it is obvious that the Mother doesn't want to work: she has no proof of going for job interviews. Precious has no adult role models, she only has her Mother and Grandmother who are both on benefits.

Also her father has inpregnated Precious twice and then disappeared, and she is left with her benefit claiming, lazy Mother. Whom spends most of the time blaming Precious for her boyfriend leaving. In moments of pressure all Precious can do to escape is go into one of her fantasies: of being married to a light skinned man and being a model.

In which ways might the representation conform to stereotypes?

How does place/location contribute to the representations?
The fact that they live in the slums and poorer parts of America signifies that because they are 'black' they don't deserve to live in nice houses and areas.

How might the audience respond to this film and its representations?
The black American audience might react to the film in a pessimistic way because of the issues represented. People of the black community were disgusted at the movie, and therefore didn't want to watch it. Moreover the audience as a whole may react sympathetically to Precious as a character, because she is not responsible for the situation she is in. She has no control over her Father raping her, her mother beating and abusing her physically, mentally and verbally.
The film will be disturbing to those black people whom only have a positive view of themselves and other black people, therefore this might be another pessimistic response, because they may not want to believe it. Also the idea that Precious' Mother and Grandmother are on benefits may suggest that black people are lazy and dysfunctional.

In addition although the films main themes are abuse, pregnancy, poverty and adversity; the film also has a sense of hope that stays with you after watching the film.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Short term relationships among celebrities HEHE

The fling between Alicia Douvall and John Terry. John Terry is well known around the world yet still had a one night stand with Alicia who is a ex model in addition he cheated on his then girlfriend.

Alicia, who has had 15 breast operations, added: "I was going through a stage where I was getting a lot of stick for the amount of plastic surgery I'd had so I loved that he was complimenting me." So she didn't like him, she only liked the compliments which she was reciviing. This represents her to be insecure, needy, and attention seeking!

The adultery commited by Ashley Cole on his then Wife Cheryl Cole now her name being Cheryl Tweedy. He slept with a fluzey when he had a beautiful, secure, loving and successful wife.
The person whom he had the affair with got her time in articles and now is unknown! HEHE! She must be proud of herself!

This is just two examples there are MANY MANY more.
Celebrities don't realise the effect they have on the public.
Boys are going to think that they can hjust cheat on their girlfriends or wives and its fine therefore treat girls like crap.
Girls will take the boys crap and will sleep with them just to get noticed.


Greene says that “You simply have to be present, in the right place at the right time.” Whereas “...public[ly famous] people were once defined as such based upon the fact that their remarkable skills had brought them to the attention of the public,” Greene states that with reality TV, “one can become a public person just by being a person, in public.”

Critical investigation points

The general impact of celebrities among teenagers.

It can be positive as celebrities can act like role models and teenagers may look up to them.
negative- look like them
act like them
and generally be them
Marxist Theory of Alienation: If everyone is wearing an item of clothing designed by a celebrity then peer pressure may occur if you don't have it.
segregated from your friends
what if your mates like other celebrities to you? It may cause friction?

With celebrities creating ridiculous standards of beauty, more younger adults are feeling less confident, angrier and more dissatisfied with their looks (National Institute on Media and the Family). Based on a poll, 40% of nine and ten year-old's had tried losing weight and at age thirteen (Body Image and Gender Identity, 2002), 53% of girls were unhappy with their image (National Institute on Media and the Family). This could create moral panics among their parents because they have to cope with their child being insecure and dissatisfied with themselves.

Also with a very pessimistic view can be under taken from celebrities as they take stupid amounts of drugs and they have glamorized taking drugs within the different platforms i.e in films, and within magazines and generally in the media and are setting an example for supporters everywhere that it is acceptable administer drugs which is WRONG!

ALTHOUGH it is not the entirely the celebrities fault that every move they make and every step they make is followed but to a certain extent they should know what is acceptable to do in public and what is plain IRRESPONSIBLE!

Attention seeking, dieting, make up, fashion addicted celebrities are changing the way many young fans think and act. Celebrities need to change the their irresponsible habits now and realize that they need to be more concerned with themselves and with their portrayal in the media, because they don't care how people react to their live's and their lifestyles only that they are noticed!

Marxist Theory: Higher people being in control of them people lower down in society. In this situation the producers, directors, or editors creating pessimistic or optimistic views of celebrities. Then the celebrities themselves either having a positive or negative view on the public. but the higher people are still in control because they are creating the images in the first place, because they want to sell their products and therefore gain money!

The film Pyscho

The film was very different in its own wierd way.
Theres a man who owns a motel and lives with his Mother and has done for a long time, strange things happen within the Motel. i.e, the incident with the women in the bathroom. But then we learn that the incident occured because the son liked the women and the mother would have reacted badly to the situation.

We later learn that the Mother and son had been living together since the son was very young and one day the Mother got a boyfriend, therefore the Son was no longer getting that much attention. So instead of handling the situation normally the Son goes and murders them both. He keeps his Mothers body in a room. WEIRD!

Disabled people were represented to be invalids and connoted to be incapable of having a normal lifestyle. This representation could lead to them being segregated and separated from the rest of society. They are shown in a pessimistic way just because they are different, and the audience start making their own judgements from when they hear how the son talk about his Mother.

The film works because they don't show the Mum until the end scene therefore the audience are kept wondering why she isn't seen and they want to see her.

Moreover the whole idea of the son turning into his Mother is strange and pychotic in itself. He took her life and now hes becoming her......... weird!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Classwork 6th October 2010

The question that I chose was: An exploration of how the media the media represents dieting within the 21st century.
Within the class we sat on different tables are were asked to complete different activities on everyone elses work.
Carousal 1 was to re arrange the question therefore write the question again in different words moreover to give an idea of that would be useful for the person.
1: An investigation of how the media represents women aged between 16-20 dieting with the 21st century.
This helped me because it gave me an idea of how to rearrange the question and how to approach the question in a variety of ways.
Analyse in depth and analyse different gender and age groups.
2. Media texts: Shown in magazines (celebrities), thinking about moral panic, idea of over exaggerated, have different media platforms, magazines reviews, TV programmes: USA, UK: fat camp, having different platforms to expand on your ideas, using a relationship between two programmes can show a strong argument of how two different programs represent themselves, size 0 models: the new idea of bigger women is that showing people are overcoming the ideas/needs to be skinny, colleen Rooney's show.
Social: Idea of social context sour rounding: relate to teenagers and self fulfilling prophecies.
3. S.H.E.P. Historical: When did size 0 come about?
What influenced it and why did it become such a major craze?
Social: Does social background have an impact on how much of a necessity is to a person?
Female vs male: why females feel the need to diet more then men.
Age variations: which age group does dieting more?
4. Theory: Feminist and patriarchal view.
This activity helped me to broaden my own ideas because the ideas that other people gave me were quite specific and helped me to think about critical debates and SHEP.
Economical: Does economic state have anything to do with dieting levels?

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Magazine "Love it" september 9-15th.

This magazine has a lot of dieting ideas and suggestions on how women can get their perfect celebrity figure that they have longed for. they use persuasion techniques therefore they try to reason with the readers and they make the reader feel uncomfortable about their body. "the diet is tailored to you" this connotes that this diet has been invented just for you and it convinces the reader that they are worth the trouble of dieting and exercising.
the dieting scheme is successful because the target audience for the magazine are women who like to read about celebrities and their gorgeous size zero bodies, and they desire and long to be like them. In additions well known celebrity names are used therefore this convinces the readers further to try the dieting scheme.
There a variety of diets included in this magazine i.e: The diet which allows you to eat a lot of food that's good for you and cutting all out bad and fatty foods; this diet would appeal to people whom have a habit of snaking. Eating everything you would normally but doing three hours of exercise.

Economical: A huge amount of money is being made and spent with in the dieting sector. The public are buying products that are being advertised via different platforms i.e. the t.v., magazines, posters, the Internet, moreover the use of different platforms widens the audience demographics.
Successful diets: i.e the apple diet, this is an affordable dieting technique and it is known to show results with in weeks.
Diets within the magazine platform target the magazine readers because someone is not going to go out of their way to buy a magazine just or a dieting suggestion (or would they?)
Celebriets are used as an icon to lure the public in, and for the public to try the diets. The people whom discover and make up the diets only use the celebrites names due to the public looking up to the celebrites (role models), moreover because the public want to look like and feel like the celebreites and get their dream body.

Monday, 20 September 2010


Research which I have already conducted:

In the past two weeks I have been reading fashion related magazines consisting of dieting, whats in and out of fashion and whose in and and out of fashion. I found that dieting techniques are being discovered every day therefore there is a range of different diets connoting that there is a demand for different ways to loose weight.
I also watched programmes such as: How to look good naked and fashion fix, to ensure that I had knowledge about fashion on different platforms. I found out that people will go to stupid extents to get there dream body and will do practically everything to get noticed in the fashion industry.
This research was quite relevant to me because it gave me a chance to compare the different techniques and ways that dieting and modelling is advertised i.e through the effectiveness.

Research that I am going to conduct:

I am going to carry on reading more magazines and comparing and in particular looking at why people diet to such extreme lengths. Moreover why is it so important to become a size zero: and whats so good about it.
In addition I intend on looking at celebrity diets and I would like to discover why the public mirrors these diets e.g why not just watch what you eat, not eat junk food, exercise instead they go to extreme lengths such as only eating apples or stopping food all together or even becoming bulimic.

Potential brief ideas: I was thinking of making a diet advertisement via the TV platform or making a magazine article of a new diet.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


Size zero representations.
teenage, adults, young children and babies.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Reality Tv and the Marxist theory

Marxist reading of current Reality TV:

The public are just slaves to the media because we watch the products that they produce.

Reality TV is capable of creating moral panics and issues that are not relevant this signifies that they have the upper hand because they are able to create something out of nothing.
Marxist thinkers claim that the media legitimizes the dominant beliefs and ideas and a capitalist system i.e: the unbalance of life is shown as natural, entertainment is unchallenging of this ideology therefore encourages passivity.

i.e: the apprentice is a reality TV show where people compete in order to receive a cash prize from Sir Alan Sugar. Sir Alan Sugar is the the person in charge and he decision who goes out "your fired" and who wins "your hired".
One participant form the junior apprentice (Lucinda) did not beg, nor ask for the job therefore she thought she had what it took too win. She was capable and upfront and also confident. this whole concept broke the rule for reality t.v. therefore she was going against the conventions of a reality t.v.
Lucinda was not conforming to the Marxist way of thinking (the producers and the media have the upper hand and the public have to do what they say). Marx believed that the most powerful force in society was the economic self interest of the dominant social class. therefore people whom where economically secure and had money were seen as dominant.

Reality t.v is the most watched genre in TV it is successful due to the use of the public and celebrities also people who are known throughout society (Sir Alan Sugar).

Th whole idea of this programme have such a wide range of audiences shows that marx was right.

Red pill blue pill (The Matrix)

The matrix blue pill red pill scene is a good example of marxism: we the public are slaves to bigger systems. (hierarchy system)

We saw the scene where Morpheus asks Neo whether he wants to take the red pill or the blue pill.
if he takes one of them he will fall asleep and go back to the world where he thinks that he is in control and where is powerful and free to make choices. moreover he will go back to his dreamworld were he will follow his day to day routine without questioning why he does what he does. This relates to the quote "we the public are controlled not by force and fear but through ideas". we all have a freedom of choice just like Neo- he can choose whether to take the red pill or the blue pill. Neo is not being forced to choose the red pill or the blue pill therefore he is being offered a chance to choose what he wants to do.
The whole idea of there being two worlds is different and weird and signifies suggests that something is going to go wrong.
at the end of the scene Neo takes the red pill and the scene ends with a loud sound effect of lighting this might be signifies that something bad will happen or something will happen that is not normal. Moreover the scene opens with the same sound effect of lighting.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Research on the review show (music industry)

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Marxism and Hegemony

Classic Marxist theory:
Before Marx society was seen as an 'organic necessary' i.e. formed the what it was by Human nature and historical 'accidents and choices'.

He did not believe in in changing human nature- he believed that Man made his environment- which then changed the nature of man.

'we the public are controlled not by force or fear but through ideas' : through ideas: stereotypes and the representation of the minority which causes fear and a moral panic.
A number of theorists have developed the study of ideology further, such as Gramsci and the Frankfurt school.
In the music sector 90% is owned bu five companies and the largest being Sony.
There is a tendency to neglect smaller sectors of the potential audience: e.g. Sikhs.
moreover major studios changing a film after it has been submitted by a director as it did not fit the intended audience
'How the dominant ideology is accepted by the people' : how people/ the public give in and accept the dominance.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Magazine notes

Magazine 1: I found this magazine quite interesting because it discusses the issues of symbolism. It questions the meaning of objects and things. Moreover it is based on tv soaps such as Eastenders and Dr who. One of the stories that got me thinking was an article on the Kat and Zoe issue from Eastenders. The story challenges the symbolism of objects such as Zoe's teddy bear which had a symbolic meaning rather than just being a realistic object. In addition the whole idea of objects having a deeper symbolic meaning in general got me thinking about things that occur within the television platform.
Magazine 2: This magazine focused teenagers and teenage movies. One of the articles which I found different yet interesting was on the teen movie mean girls which is an American teen movie. The article discusses the social, historical, political and economical issues on how teen movies have developed from 50years ago to now. Moreover it states the conventions of a teen movie and why they are successful: the geek, class president, and the romantic couple.
Magazine 3: Personally I found this magazine a drag and it was a bit boring. Due to me being ignorant to most of the actors and actresses being mentioned.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010



Critical investigation

Critical investigation
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them.
The main subject of our link production was facebook stalking among teengagers within London. Our Link Production focused on vox pops from parents, teachers and students. we wanted to find out whether children whom use facebook find stalking and peadophilia a problem. we concluded that they were scared of getting added by people who they don't have mutual or common friends with.
we also asked teachers what they thought about this issue they exclaimed that facebook is not private and random people can add u so the security is not as high as it could be.
teenagers are encouraged not to add and accept random adds however 1 in 40 people still do it.
we did vox pops so we could get a clear grasp of facebook stalking, this was our primary source this was a useful source.
we found that teengares did not see any harm in accepting and adding random people however victims of stalking and peadophilia within facebook have advised people to be careful.
anything that is on facebook is not only seen by your friends it can also be seen be different people whom you might not now.
a teacher mentioned that they are worried and scared that someone that they know will be a victim of this therefore there advice to teenagers is clear: not to add people or accept people whom you don't know and to make your facebook profile private so that only your friends can see it.
statistics have proved that 26million people use facebook in the UK and the numbers are increasing drastically.
facebook is used by employers, businesses and many other well respected companies this shows that teenagers are not the only people whom are addictede to facebook.
facebook should be a device for people to catch up with old friends and family which they don't see often however it isbeing used as a place to meeet new people.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Mini LP Facebook stalking.

Mini LP: transgender.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Homework questions regarding class work on Tuesday 29th June 2010

Did we work within a recognisable genre or format? In the lesson me and yancia decided to do a spoof on social networking sites and in particular facebook stalkers and peadophiles. I think we did make the correct decision because 80% of teenagers in the UK do have facebook therefore it is a on going topic.

Did we address and issue related to the representation of teenagers? The representation of teenagers we chose was facebook users and the issues surrounding this particular topic. This idea was relevant due to facebook being a growing social networking site.
Did we use research to inform our work? If so, what was it? (Make sure that this is written up and any links made in your evaluative post.) Personally I think think that my and yancia should have planned the running order of our news spoof because we often did not know what to shoot.

What would we do to improve our work both technically and in terms of content? We could have planned the whole sequence of our news spoof, and also if we had had more time then we would have finished the mini LP.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Specification questions 22 June 2010

Globalisation of media: examples.

How many pages need to be in the supporting materials?

Monday, 21 June 2010

What are the social, historical, economical and political contexts of the two opening scenes SHEP

Social: the characters are stereotypical teenagers within society whom can be found in England. They are of different cultures which connotes a broad cultured school and society.




Tuesday, 15 June 2010

comparison for mest 3 DVD analyse: 15th June 2010 DEBATE

Comparison for mest 3 DVD analyse: 15th June 2010.

City of God

What is the genre/ sub-genre of the film?
D: image of lovers C: romance genre.
D: pointing C: horrification.
D: gun C: violence.
D: kissing C: love/ romance.

How are people/places/events represented on the cover?
D: paraqdise C: romance.
D: clothing C: slums.
D: guns C: violence.

What institutions are involved in the production, distribution and exhibition of the film?
D: miramax C: funding and producers.
D: DVD C: exhibition.
D: fernando mierelles C: director.

Who is the target audience? How are they targeted?
D: certificate 18 C: violence, language, drug use.
D: mise en scene C: 18-24 target audience.

Violence are romance are contradicted within this cover.
Released in 2006
inner city knife crime within teenagers in 2009.

Comparison for mest 3 DVD analyse: 15th June 2010.


What is the genre/sub genre of the film?
Thriller and informs
Colours connote thriller genre
baseball bat connotes violence

How are people/places/events represented on the cover?
Baseball bat: full body shot of african originated teenage man connotes violence

What institutions are involved in the production, distribution and exhibition of the film?
Denotation of the revolver entertainment and national lottery connotes public money.

Who is the target audience? How are they targeted?
Denotation teenage characters .
Quote: "before adulthood comes" connotes target audience.
Certificate 15 targets TA.

: The representations of violence are different in both DVD covers due to the locations used.
: Kidulthood represented the stereotypes of teenagers to be rude, dressed roughly and violent.
: Release date 2007.